Everyone knows that “April showers bring May flowers.” But do you know what brings the April showers? Well here in BC, it’s typically massive March windstorms!
I rode BC Ferries twice last week. My first journey was to visit Talewind Books in beautiful Sechelt on the Sunshine Coast, and despite the sun not making very much of an appearance, my trip was lovely and uneventful. That night, the winds picked up. My desk chairs went tumbling and branches all over the Lower Mainland came down. Many people lost power and one woman even lost her life when a branch came through her roof.
Much like a postman, I am relatively undeterred by weather! (Those of you who know me and my penchant for complaining when temperature dips below 5C understand that this is a blatant lie.) I wasn’t going to let some wind stop me from getting to Galiano Island to visit an as yet unvisited bookstore. No sir! Off to the ferries I went…
Disclaimer: this is neither my video, nor was it my ferry, but it was another ferry at the same terminal. The ride across the straight to the Gulf Islands was a tad harrowing, but both me and my stomach are made of stern stuff. No one can accuse this tugboat engineer’s daughter of not having her sea legs!
I made it to Galiano Island Books unscathed where I spent the day with Lee poring over the spring list. By the time I went to leave, the weather was clear and sunny. The ride back to the Mainland was smooth and uneventful. I’m sure the British Columbia spring has more storms in store but until then, I will enjoy what little sun we are getting!
-Dani “Sea Legs” Farmer