Welcome to Friday. I look forward to the weekends
because I love to cook and weekends give me more time
so I don’t have to do the quick recipes to get food on the table.
There is one recipe that I would make any night of the week though:
Everyday Green Beans from quick & easy chinese by Nancie McDermott.
It elevates beans from every day to extraordinary. Here’s the recipe:
Everyday Green Beans (serves 4)
1 pound green beans
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
1 Tablespoon chopped garlic
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup water or chicken stock
*To prepare the green beans, trim away the ends and pull
off any strings. Chop the beans crosswise into 3-inch lengths.
*Heat a wok or a large, deep skillet over high heat.
Add the oil and swirl to coat the pan. Add the garlic and salt
and toss until fragrant, about 15 seconds.
*Scatter in the green beans and toss well until they are shiny
and starting to brighten to a vivid green. Add the water,
pouring it in around the sides of the pan, and toss well.
Cook, tossing now and then, until the green beans are
tender but still firm and the pan is almost dry.
*Transfer to a serving plate and serve hot, warm, or at
room temperature.
9780811859301 Chronicle Books / Raincoast
Happy cooking and have a great weekend.