Happy Friday!
This week I thought I should tell you about a book
I just finished. Where Monsters Dwell by Jorgen Brekke
is a book about a horrific murder in the Edgar Allan Poe
Museum in Richmond, Virginia and a very similar one in
a library in Trondheim, Norway. These murders are also eerily
reminiscent of a spate of murders in the 16th century in Europe.
The murders from the present day both seem to have a connection
to a handwritten book that is bound in parchment made from human
skin. If you can handle that, then settle in for a good read. The story
is well told and moves along quickly but not too quickly; suspense
continues throughout and the denoument is satisfying and surprising.
Check it out:
978-1-250-06080-8 $18.50
Minotaur Books | Raincoast
Have a great weekend.