After a week of meetings in Vancouver I was having a leisurely cup of tea while perusing the
Saturday Globe & Mail and what did I see but an article about slow goods – making quality items
that last. A photo of a very sturdy looking fly swatter made of bridle leather and white ash accompanied the
article. Turns out that fly swatter is from Kaufman Mercantile a company that specializes in sourcing well-
produced practical items. And wouldn’t you know it Princeton Architectural Press is publishing their book
this fall: The Kaufmann Mercantile Guide – How to Split Wood, Shuck an Oyster and Other Simple Pleasures.
Covering a wide range of topics from how to season a cast iron pan to oyster shucking and soap making, it promises to be
a great reference guide for every home. Coming from Raincoast in September :
CDN $27.95 · pb