Happy Friday!
Have you ever had a book on your stack of books
for so long that you have almost forgotten about it?
That happened to me with The Ninja Librarians: The
Accidental Keyhand. I had a two whole days
at home alone last weekend so I managed to get to a
couple of books on one of the many piles of to-be-read
books. One of them was this one. How could you not want
to read a book with Ninja and Librarian in the title?
It more than lived up to its promise and I spent a fabulous
afternoon (and evening, truth be told) in their world.
The two main characters are chasing an escaped pet
mongoose, stumble into a closet in the library and end up
in Petrarch’s Library whose librarians’ mission is to
“protect those whose words get them into trouble,
anywhere in the world and at any time in history.” Needless to
say, adventures ensue and you are taken on a wonderful romp
through time and literature with edge of your seat moments,
some snobbery and a surprise villan. I am not the only one
who loved this book; it received a starred review in Kirkus.
I am also happy to report that there is a sequel coming
next spring: Ninja Librarians: A Sword in the Stacks.
Keep your eyes peeled. Have a great weekend and happy