Hi guys,
Happy New Year to everyone! I’m sure we are all feeling nice and refreshed from our time off. Lots of rest and food has probably had the same effect on everyone as it has on me.
During the holiday I watched an interesting TED talk about an author and editor named Ann Morgan who made it her goal to read a book from every country in the world. She came to the realization that although she fancied herself a diverse reader her bookshelf was filled with mostly British or North American authors, with very few books in translation. She then made it her goal to read her way around the globe and discovered that the world was more than willing to share its stories with her.
In the wake of the internet and the slow realization that sites like Google, Amazon and Facebook are choosing what we see and what we read, this video made me realize that this sort of thing happens outside of the internet as well and that we need to always be striving to find the stories and news and material that is not fed to us on a silver spoon. Perhaps this year’s New Year’s resolution will be to get my brain in shape!
Check out her website and video below!
A Year of Reading the World
– Tamara