Happy Friday!
There has been a book on my to-be-read pile for
quite some time now and I finally got around to
reading it. It is called “The Girl Who Could Fly” by
Victoria Forester. It was a New York Times bestseller
and got rave reviews when it first came out.
I guess I read it because the sequel is coming out this fall
and the cover of it intrigued me.
The book itself turned out to be a fantastic read.
A home-schooled prairie girl, Piper McCloud,
has the ability to fly. Her parents try to keep that talent
hidden and forbid her to fly but eventually some folks
see her unusual ability. Shortly thereafter, a woman appears
(in an interesting and very showy way) and offers to take
Piper away to a school for children with amazing talents or
powers. Piper and her parents agree and off she goes.
It turns out that the school is there not to encourage these children
(not to mention other flora and fauna) but to make every
thing and everyone conform to the norm.
The story goes on to tell how Piper and her schoolmates
figure things out and mount an escape. The story celebrates
everyone’s right to be unique. It is well told, gripping and will
even bring a tear or two to your eye. I can highly recommend it
and I think the new cover treatment for it will make even more
people want to pick it up and read it. By the way the sequel is called
“The Boy Who Knew Everythng” and it is coming in October.
I’m halfway through and I think you’ll like it too.
Have a great weekend!
The Girl Who Could Fly
by Forester, Victoria (10/27/15)
9781250072467 $8.99 PB
Feiwel and Friends/RAI
The Boy Who Knew Everything
by Forester, Victoria (10/27/15)
9780312626006 $19.50 Hardcover
Feiwel & Friends / RAI