I’m sure that everyone out there is getting very excited about the imminent arrival of Spring. In Vancouver
we recently had some very beautiful weather followed immediately by the Deluge. That isn’t totally out of the ordinary however (LOL Vancouver am I right?),
because we here at Ampersand are in fact gearing up for Fall!
“Fall? In April?” you say. “But how can that be?”
Well, Fall hasn’t literally arrived, but our Fall 2014 Book season catalogues have begun to arrive!
Yes, like leaves from the boughs of a great tree, our backroom has received it’s first gentle coating of exciting
new catalogues. And, like leaves in Fall, we’ll soon be so covered in catalogues that we’ll need a leafblower
just to get around the office.
It’s at this point that I would like to be able to say “thankfully Fall only comes once a year”, but that’s true
in name only; although we call our other seasons “Spring” and Winter,” they always bring a fresh dump of