Sometimes in life things just work out. There was that time when I gave in to social media
and signed on to Twitter. I nervously posted the first picture of myself on the Internet, (me drinking
a glass of chardonnay in a party dress, reading Metro’s weekly flyer and looking irritated at the
photographer) and a week later my long lost half brother from around the world found me after a
lifetime of searching – true story.
Then there was the time when my fiance agreed to watch The Mindy Project and
fell in love with it just as much as me. Charmed, I know.
So it comes as no surprise that my favourite author (Haruki Murakami) and my favourite pastime
(eating) would merge into a physical place that I could visit. Behold, the Windup Bird Cafe.
With book launches, professors speaking, and duck fat fries, I’m starting to wonder if I’ve
died and gone to heaven.
Actually, could someone please pinch me?