On Wednesday, October 14, while my colleague Ryan was cheering for the Jays and dodging beer cans
in Toronto I was at the Victoria Book Prize Gala held at the historic Union Club in Victoria.
There were no boos or cries of foul play only applause for the 8 finalists who were shortlisted
for the City of Victoria Butler Book Prize and the Bolen Books Children’s Book Prize. Chris Tougas, winner
of the Bolen Books Children’s Book Prize – (for the second time!) gave a rousing reading of Dojo Daycare
published by Owlkids – and the audience responded with the vocal enthusiasm of kindergarteners.
Here is a photo of Kate Manga – fan; Samantha Holmes of Bolen Books and Chris Tougas
practicing some Dojo moves.
Nancy Turner, author of Ancient Pathways, Ancestral Knowledge published by McGill Queens,
was unable to attend as she was picking up an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Hawaii
but one of her students spoke about Nancy’s work which integrates the fields of botany and ecology with
anthropology, geography and linguistics.
And here is a photo of Nancy who was definitely with us in spirit!
Congratulations to the winners and finalists. I can honestly say a good time was had by all!